OPC Ruling Elder Podcast
A podcast to encourage ruling elders in their work in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and beyond. Each podcast drops the 15th of each month.
OPC Ruling Elder Podcast
Protecting Children
August 15, 2023
a Podcast from the OPC Committee on Christian Education
Season 1
Episode 8
Stephen Tracey talks to Thomas Crumplar about the issue of child sexual abuse. Tom is a ruling elder at Emmanuel OPC in Wilmington, Delaware, and co-founder of the law firm Jacobs and Crumplar, P. A.
Christopher W. Shishko, “Volunteers and Your Church: Avoiding Legal Pitfalls” Ordained Servant, 23 (2014): 66-68.
Jonathan W. Shishko, “Improving Upon the Status Quo: Child Safety” Ordained Servant, 23 (2014): 69-71.
Please visit the Ordained Servant Archive for the October 2002 issue.
“Elders and Sexual Abuse – A Pastor’s Dilemma.” Ordained Servant, 11:4 (Oct. 2002): 73-77.
G. I. Williamson, “A Response to the Previous Article.” Ordained Servant, 11:4 (Oct. 2002): 78-79.